Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fair entries

Parker spent the night last night and slept in until 9:30. Since Macee and Des are in CA, Papa went over to the house when Gabe left for work so that Rielee could sleep in, too. Papa made oatmeal and toast for he and Rielee, I made eggs and fried spuds for Parker and I. It was nice and hot today, so they got to play in the pool. Rielee tried swimming while holding Maggie, which didn't work and Maggie went underwater. She stayed away from the pool all together after that. In the afternoon, Rielee picked some flowers and I helped her make a couple of arrangements to enter in the fair. She really loves to make bouquets, and if she had her way there probably wouldn't be a flower left in the yard, she would have them all in vases, and be wearing one tucked behind her ear. She is trying to learn all the names of the flowers.

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