Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday fun

Ava and Harper came up today to visit. They were going to spend the Thursday night with us, but I had a migraine so we could only had them for the day. Emmy stopped by on her way to Spokane, the twins were kind of tired and just weren't too sure about her, so they were "studying" her. We were out at the playfort and Rielee's car was there, so I put Harper in it to see what she would do. She ended up loving it and crying when it was time to get out.
Charb came up about 3 with Luke and his cousin Dale, they were going to just pick up the girls and head for home. But Parker came over and all the boys started playing and they didn't leave until 5:00. The boys played with the dog, jumped on the trampoline, hung out on the hammock,

in this picture Luke and Dale are pushing Parker, trying to get him to flip. They really wanted to get in the pool but didn't have their swim trunks, so Charb was saying no,--but I finally convinced him they should get in for a few minutes anyway, and took them over to the pool. Pretty soon Charb was right in there with them. Parker and Luke racing.
Charb was complaining later about how they were all going home with wet underwear...
After they left, Parker decided to spend the night. We fixed dinner and then decided we would get ice cream for dessert from the ice cream shop. Parker was so impressed with the shop, especially the bubblegum ice cream and he told Penny that he really wanted to buy the place "after he retires", she said she was afraid she might still be there to sell it to him.

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