Friday, February 12, 2010

winter break begins

Okay, I do not understand this whole winter break deal, or the two weeks of half-days for conferences coming up either...
So we had Parker, Rielee, Auna and James hanging around this morning. The girls and I made more Valentine sugar cookies, they love rolling the dough and eating it,too. Rielee made the green, blue, and for some semblance of normalcy--pink frosting. She makes some weird colors, the girl loves to mix them. The boys went with Alan on the 4-wheeler to the creek to see the new bridge. James and Parker spent some time on the Playstation, then I chased them all outside to play since the sun was out. We heard a lot of screaming going on, but it was just Rielee being chased around by James. Then they were playing hide-and-seek and the boys ran into the house begging for me not to tell Auna where they were. Auna came in about 10 minutes later asking if I'd seen the boys, she said Rielee had been hiding in the car for quite awhile waiting to be found, so she went back out to hide with Rielee and I got James and Parker to go out there to "find" them so Rielee wouldn't be disappointed.
Tonight we are headed to LaCenter for boys and girls basketball.

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