Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ukulele entertainment

We're thinking that Ava and Harper might be teething a little, as they were a little fussy today and the continual drooling is another big hint. I asked Rielee to sing to them so she got her ukulele and started with "She'll be coming around the mountain...", which didn't get a whole lot of response besides looks of disbelief, but it quieted them both right down. I have some video which I will put on YouTube since it is pretty long.
We were surprised when Alan and Vera showed up at our door today, they were out getting Alan's new knee some exercise while the sun was out. Steve decided that Ava and Harper's legs, pudgy as they are getting, look just about like Uncle Alan's swollen one from his surgery.
Rielee got to play with Jillian again this morning. She was worn out and kinda grumpy when she got home, but perked up a little after some lunch and helping with the babies. She got out her collection of Littlest Pets to show them. I told her we will have to save those animals for the babies to play with when they get older, but she said no, she was going to sell them some day, but they could buy them if they wanted to.

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