Thursday, February 4, 2010

6 month check-up

Ava and Harper had their 6 mo. WellBaby Check-up today. I went along to help Kelly since Charb had a meeting. Their dr. was actually raving about how big their are, and how well they are developing. She said to look at them, you would never guess they were born at 31 weeks. They are off the preemie growth chart now, and on the regular one. Ava is about 1/2 a lb. heavier, but Harper is 1/2 an inch taller. They still can't have anything but formula until they are 6 months (adjusted age). They also got 5 shots, 3 regular plus the flu shots. I was afraid they might be fussy after all those, but I took them home and fed them, and they played and were happy all afternoon. Tough little cookies.
Tonight Auna is spending the night with us since Laury and David are on a date night for David's birthday. We mixed up some cookie dough, she wanted sugar cookies again, and it is chilling while she is over playing with Rielee and Parker. Uncle told her that her folks called, and they are actually in Disneyland without her. He got an eye-roll for that remark.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Auna the cookies are good. Vera got one this time.
