Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Thursday at home

I didn't go down to Camas today since we were only taking care of the twins 2 days this week due to Winter Break, and Steve thought seeing them only 1 day just wouldn't be enough for him.
They were sweet little girls today, taking almost 2 hour morning and afternoon naps and at the same time. They even watched 10 minutes of TeleTubbies while Grandma took a shower and Papa read the paper. Auna came over after school to see them, and Ava really put on a show for her, squealing and jumping wildly in the Jumperoo. They like it when Auna comes to visit them.
Rielee came home from her Valentine party with a whole bunch of goodies, she was even thrilled with the Spiderman and Cars pencils she got from 2 of the boys in her class. I asked her if she was going to give them to Parker, and well, "no of course not Grandma, I'm going to keep them in my room." She continues to be her injury-prone self. Yesterday she fell off her little chair (she has picked up the habit of leaning back) into the coffee table and cut her chin. Today she threw a dog treat for Mocha and forgot to let go of the leash and took a tumble. Then when she got home she tripped over the baby bouncer and hurt her leg on the coffee table again. Her poor legs are covered with little bruises.

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