Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What a Wednesday

Harper and Ava

Harper and Rielee
Ava in the Jumperoo
I really noticed today how much the twins have grown, they look so much bigger in their carseats, and certainly feel much heavier in those things. It is always interesting when we bring them in the house in the morning, because we are never sure who we are carrying, and will make a guess which one it is. I was right this morning, I had Ava.
This was another one of those days where I never did manage to put on any make-up or do my hair. The only free time I had was during afternoon naptime, and by then I needed a nap, too.
Rielee brought her school valentines with her today so I could help her with them. That was an all-morning job since it was so special for her, being the first time she gave out her own valentines at school. She had to pick out just the right card for each kid, write their name and sign hers, tape on a sucker and then pick out just the right stickers for was a long process but she had fun with it and did all the writing herself. She only has trouble with the letter "S".
We got out the Jumperoo for the babies today. Kelly had mentioned that Ava was scooting around in the walker last night, we got our walker out, but it wouldn't adjust low enough for them. But this Jumperoo was great and they both loved it. It is going to get a lot of use.

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