Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday's Stroller ride

Morning play time, Ava in the Exersaucer, Harper in the walker

Ava is in the back, she conked out as soon as we started rolling

I went to Camas today to watch the babies. It is getting easier to watch them by myself, since they entertain themselves now for longer periods of time. Today we ventured out for a walk since it was such a nice day. It was windy though, as it often is where they live. But we walked around some of the many cul-de-sacs near their house, the twins really liked the ride and I enjoyed looking at landscaping. I found out that it is good exercise to push a double-stroller, especially there since it is hilly, and after awhile I was pretty winded, so I looked at the time-but we had only been out for 17 minutes! So I forced myself to keep going for a half-hour. The highlight (well, maybe lowlight) of my day was when I put Ava in the Pak N' Play to try to get her to sleep, I thought she was drifting off after awhile so I sat down in the family room, and suddenly I hear a scream that is HORRIBLE, like she has hurt herself somehow, it was that bad. So I run in there, and she is just mad, really mad. Charb and Kelly have talked repeatedly about how these girls scream at night and how they just can't ignore it, it is so awful. Now I know what they are talking about, it sounds like it is a cry of pain. I really feel for them and the transition to getting the babies to sleep without the swaddle blankets, that is going to require some nerves of steel.

Here is a short video of the twins playing this morning.

Harper had a lot to say today. She had two long-5 minute one-sided conversations with the ceiling fan, which seemed to contain jokes and some very serious stuff, too. It is so much fun to see their little personalities developing.

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