Thursday, December 22, 2011


Ava and Harper came up yesterday afternoon to spend the night with us since Dad was getting his cast in the morning. They both slept great, which was good since Rielee called at 7:30, ready to come over and play with them. Rielee wore her matching dress so they could all look alike. Rielee later played dress-up with the girls, putting one of her old princess dresses on them, they loved that.
Thank goodness Auna came over to visit, she was a big help to me since Papa was out in the shop working. Our friend Taylor stopped by with presents for the kids. She got Rielee a cute dog purse, Parker a shirt and she made Ava and Harper both cute little aprons...
but they were more excited about the big candy canes that were in their bags. They just laughed and laughed when they saw them, and couldn't wait to get them open!
Harper later posed for me in her apron.
In the evening we watched the CR girls basketball team beat LaCenter, Macee had 21 pts.

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