Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our Christmas tree fiasco

I wanted to get a tree from the Eagle's lot, I thought that would be a good idea for this year, but Papa thought it would be fun to take Ava and Harper to the tree farm. So off we go, the girls and I in the car and Papa in the truck. We get out of the car and Ava is afraid of the owner's black Lab so she wants to be carried, so Harper wants Papa to carry her, too. Then we can't find the skinny tree our house requires, and we keep walking and searching until we are at the far end of the property, and Harper finally did get down and walked a little. Finally we find the perfect tree, I put Ava down and she tries to run over to watch Papa cut it down--and trips on a blackberry vine and does a face plant right under the tree. She is very unhappy and crying. Just then a kid that works there stops to see if we need help, but Papa says "oh no, we're fine". But then it is time to pack out the tree and neither Ava or Harper will walk, they stand there and cry to be picked up, they are nervous. So I pack them both as far as I can while Papa carries the tree. I holler for the kid, but he is no where to be found now. So I put the girls down and rest a second while they cry some this a couple more times before I make it back to the house. Oh my gosh, I am thinking, who's idea was this again?

Oh, but then the lady had candy canes and we had happy girls, getting a tree is suddenly a good thing! On the way home I asked them if they had a good time getting the tree, "YEAH!" they said.

I think to myself, why didn't I carry the tree?

My back hurts.

We watched the Rocket boys and girls play Hoquiam in the evening. The girls won but the boys lost by 2 in the last seconds.

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