Thursday, December 15, 2011

A busy day

We did lots of stuff today and had lots of visitors. Emmy and Alan came by in the morning. Auna and Laury stopped by in the afternoon, then came back later with David. Des and Rielee came over in the evening and Rielee played with the girls, she had them cracking up with her antics-which mostly consisted of pretending to fall down, and she also pushed them fast on their little ride-ons. The girls spent time coloring, playing with PlayDoh, and frosting sugar cookies. We took a break and went over to visit Emmy and they played with Sam and Charlie.

They really wanted to watch me cook dinner so I put a couple of chairs up to the counter and let them "stir-stir-stir" as Ava always says (everything in threes) the muffin batter. Harper had other plans though, and just started filling the cups on her own.

It was a day of "owees" which started when Ava hurt her knee somehow in the morning, she said she tripped on her little chair, it didn't start hurting her until bathtime, after which she couldn't walk, and we heard "no walk" for the rest of the morning (I think she was just super tired). By afternoon and after their nap, she was better but she continued to need bandaids for this and that and by the end of the day I had 5 on my leg for one little scrape. Then she showed up with this one on her forehead, which made us laugh! I think bandaids are really just like stickers to them.

Harper's baby, all tucked in for bed. When the girls nap, Harper tucks in baby on the floor near them, along with some snacks. Tonight she put baby right by the pack n' play where she sleeps. She is quite the little Mommy.

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