Thursday, December 1, 2011

Busy day

Today flew by so fast I didn't even take one picture of anything. The girls slept in until 8:00. We had breakfast and bathtime, then I took the girls to town while Papa went to the high school to put up the basketball player's pictures. We were back by 10, worked on the potty training some- it sometimes takes some conjoling to get them interested in the process. I got Ava on the potty chair but Harper wasn't interested until I pretended to call Papa Mike and told him how good Ava was doing, then Harper pretended to call him and told him "I go potty, too" and she climbed up on her potty seat. Spent a lot of time in the bathroom, but they are learning.
Note: they won't wear blue undies...
When they were leaving to go home today, once again Harper's little brown doggie was missing and she was frantic. We searched the house and couldn't find it, gave up and told her that Papa would look for it tonight. She found it herself in the laundry room as we were going out the door and she was just about hysterical in her happiness, half crying and laughing!

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