Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bazaar/garage sale

Another successful Country Cousins Bazaar/garage sale! The kids were very hard workers.

We sold nearly all the bazaar things and a ton of garage sale items, raising over $600.

Rielee took a break to play with Jillian and drove the Jeep down and right into the shop, circled the table and then went down Robin and Dan's driveway, with Jillian chasing behind her. Then all of a sudden, Jillian came running back, yelling that Rielee had some problem and was crying. It turned out that her scarf got tangled in the wheel and was choking her a little before she figured out to stop the Jeep. She was pretty shook up by the ordeal.

Tierney was doing the Walk n' Knock in the morning and Macee was taking the S.A.T., but they showed up to work afterwards. Auna was a trooper and worked the entire day.

Rielee and Jillian with Sophie, dressed in a sweater.

In the evening, we watched the Rocket boys basketball team win their first game against Oakville. It was fun watching Will, Cale and Ty all playing together. We have a lot of good basketball players in this family.

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