Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Surprise party

Charb (with help from Kelly's friends) had a surprise 4oth birthday party for Kelly tonight at Camas Meadows, and boy, she really was surprised! Harper, Rielee and Ava were trying to talk the little guy into sharing more of the cereal in his snack cup.
He finally got up and left shortly after this and came over to see the pictures I had taken, the girls followed him with their hands out so he took off, guarding his cup.

I was holding Ava when Kelly and Charb came in and she yelled "surprise!" just like I told her to.

When I took this picture, Ava was more fixated on the cupcakes that were on the table behind her and not at all interested in smiling for a picture with Mom. She had already sampled one of the cupcakes with Papa and knew how good they were!

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