Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Playroom tree

First thing every morning Harper puts the babies she brings with her to bed in the playroom and turns off the light, this morning she and Ava were so excited to see their little Christmas tree all lit up in the dark. They put a few ornaments on it and then proceeded to rearrange them throughout the day.

Rielee got her hair cut yesterday, she was feeling pretty special with her new bob.

A new napping arrangement today. For the longest time, I've been rocking Ava to sleep and then putting her on the bed, Papa rocked Harper and then we put her on the bed with Ava. Then it changed to me rocking both of them. Today they both bailed on me and went to rock with Papa, except they all slept for 3 hours in the chair. I had to wake them up so we had enough time to feed them before they went home.
The Rocket girls played a great game vs. Mark Morris tonight and won 52-45.

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