Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Twins & 3 games

What a busy day. We went to town in the morning to have the woodstove door fixed, then stopped by Fred Meyer for a few flowers. We lucked out and found a car cart and the girls were thrilled and whooping it up as they "drove" through the store. Got home, let them play outside for a bit, had lunch and they napped from noon to 2:15. It is so nice that they are feeling better and the days are back to normal, with them playing together more and eating well. They were outside playing when Parker and Auna came home from school. Auna showed them her clarinet, but was afraid of scaring them if she actually played anything on it!

After we dropped the girls off to Charb, we hurried back to Woodland to watch the Macee and the Rockets unfortunately lose their game 4-3.

Then we went back to CR where Auna and Parker were both playing, yes, two games at once. Auna pitched an inning and did really well. She also played at short stop and 3rd base.

Parker's team won their first game and Parker had a great hit to the outfield!

Here he is playing right field looking bored with a mouth full of sunflower seeds.

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