Friday, May 6, 2011


Since the girls were spending the night, we thought we would take them to the mall during the day to let them run around and ride on the rides since it didn't look like it was going to be a good day for playing outside.
They were having a great time sitting on the rides, Harper on the one with the dog, Ava was on the firetruck. But once we put the money in and the rides started moving and making noise, the girls couldn't bail out fast enough! And of course the fire truck blew its siren the whole time. It took quite awhile before they would get back on. But Harper couldn't resist the dog, and kept hugging it over and over.

With a lot of coaxing from Papa, Ava finally sat on the helicopter and really liked it.

We wanted to walk around a little, which was a little difficult since they just kept wandering this way and that. Papa had suggested taking the umbrella strollers but I didn't think we would need them-wrong. The didn't want to walk very far and then wanted to be packed. We made it to Penneys and I was going to try to buy them something, but that seemed way too hard so I gave up on that idea. On the way back to the car, we bought some M&M's out of the vending machine and they would follow us along quite well trying to get more candy...such bad grandparents!

Auna came to stay with us after school and was a huge help. She played with the girls and I made cookies. We had mac and cheese, broccoli and muffins for dinner, followed by a bath since Harper had so much cheese in her hair. It was good evening entertainment for them though.

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