Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little talkers

It was so good to see the twins after the long weekend. They are really starting to put words together now, I heard "Papa, come on" from both of them when it was time to go outside, and "Harper, come here" from Ava. They also repeat, or try to anyway, most any word you ask them to. When Kelly called to check on them, it was so cute, both said "hi Mom" and Harper said "I love you" to her. Today after their bath I gave them each a hairbrush and told them to go look in the mirror and do their hair. Harper went to the little mirror in the dollhouse to do hers.

They were excited as usual to see Auna after school, Harper came running out and put her hand up for a high five. Oh, and Papa is still their #1 diaper-changer!

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