Thursday, May 26, 2011

Laundry baskets

I had hoped that the girls might sleep in this morning, but they were awake at 5:30. They had breakfast, played and then Rielee showed up at 7:30. She didn't go to school since they are leaving for Spokane early afternoon. So they had more breakfast with her, played until 9:30 and then were very ready for naps. Rielee was quiet and colored so they would fall asleep quickly. Rielee had been playing with the laundry baskets, making beds for the dolls, so the twins took over after she left.
We went for a long walk between rain storms and got so many laughs out of them today. It is always so comical watching them toddle around. Harper would go up the path to the greenhouse, knock on the door, then run back down the path, over and over. Ava was hunting rocks, she found a couple good ones but put them down and Harper to take one, oops... trouble there.
They just like to wander around, usually with their hands in their pockets, and rarely seem to want to go in the same direction. It's like you are "herding twins".

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