Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mystery fussiness

We had fussy girls, really fussy, this morning and just couldn't figure out why. Their colds were better, still runny noses but nothing worse that we knew, but yet they were fussy and wanting to be held all morning. Harper didn't even want to go on the computer OR take a bath, she was not herself at all. Then finally, this afternoon, after 4 very messy diapers, I came to the conclusion that it was tummy aches-constipation, that had been their problem. After that, they were back to being themselves, laughing, playing, fighting, but making up, too, with lots of hugs like this one I saw outside. Harper has claimed the yellow slide and the yellow car as hers, and Ava kept trying to go down her slide, Harper would say "no, mine" and point Ava over to the other slide, Ava would walk away and then turn and look at Harper and stick her bottom lip out in a huge pouty face...and Harper would run right over to her and they would hug, oh my gosh, it was so cute! Parker came over after school and stayed still Gabe got home (Des and Rielee are in Disneyland), he helped me take the girls on a walk, then went to shoot baskets with Will. Auna came over after Hi-Cap and stayed until David got home. She was happy to watch a couple episodes of Cake Boss.

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