Saturday, May 7, 2011

sandbox and prom

The girls slept so well last night, from 8:30 until almost 8 this morning. Harper woke up at 5 and came in our bed but went right back to sleep. Charb came to get them about noon and his friends Jeff and Megan stopped by to see the girls before they went back home. Harper showing Megan her coloring
Parker and Gabe got the sandbox redone today. Rielee is going to be so happy to see all that fresh new sand! It will be interesting to see Ava and Harper playing in it.
Macee was going to the Senior Prom tonight with Kyle. She was missing her Mom being there to help her get ready. I was outside working and heard her out on the front porch yelling for her Dad over and over, then she saw me and called me over-she needed help zipping up her dress. She was frustrated because the Dad and Parker had "disappeared" without telling her where they were going. When I left I could hear the excavator running and found them behind the house, doing some leveling of the yard. When I went back later to take a picture of her, I walked in and Gabe was putting bronzer on her back, wish I would have gotten a picture of that, he was very glad to hand it over to me to finish the job, as was Macee. She looked very pretty.

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