Thursday, May 26, 2011


Rielee had early release today so she got to play with the twins all afternoon. She made some signs so we could take a picture and make a good-luck card for Macee for State. The picture taking was a bit of a challenge though and before we were done, Harper had chewed the corner off of her sign. She is known for her love of eating paper and cardboard, having chewed the corners off of most of the books we keep in the car for them.
They all played with Playdoh this afternoon for over an hour. Harper and Ava liked it when we made balls for them and worms, which they would kiss and hug! Too funny.

Harper was pretty good at rolling

Ava was making pretend food by putting all her balls in the cup

The twins ended up spending the night with us so their parents could have a quiet evening.

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