Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little talkers

It was so good to see the twins after the long weekend. They are really starting to put words together now, I heard "Papa, come on" from both of them when it was time to go outside, and "Harper, come here" from Ava. They also repeat, or try to anyway, most any word you ask them to. When Kelly called to check on them, it was so cute, both said "hi Mom" and Harper said "I love you" to her. Today after their bath I gave them each a hairbrush and told them to go look in the mirror and do their hair. Harper went to the little mirror in the dollhouse to do hers.

They were excited as usual to see Auna after school, Harper came running out and put her hand up for a high five. Oh, and Papa is still their #1 diaper-changer!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rielee overnight

Rielee got home from Spokane and immediately called Auna to play, but Auna was in Seattle at Will's basketball tournament. So she came over to spend the night with us instead. We played Candy Land, Horton Hears a Who, she gave me a make-over and we watched a movie. This morning she wanted to play Match Game with me and this is how the championship game turned out:
Rielee 19 matches, Grandma 3 (and sadly I was trying, too)

Saturday-State Tournament

Spokane - The Rockets beat Seattle Christian Friday 10-0, then lost to Colville 2-1 in the quarterfinals. Today they played Montesano at 9 a.m. in a loser out game. And this is the smile of a girl who just hit her first home run! That had been Macee's goal all season, also her Mom had told her all along that she would pay her $20 for a home run. But, just before the game today, Des told her she would raise that to $100, and then her Grammie Bouchey chimed in that she would match it, and her first at bat Macee did it! And scored 2 runs...it was so cool. We really laughed because when Macee was younger and playing soccer, she would often get so close to scoring a goal but never did-so one day her Grandpa Gourde offered her $5 for a goal, and she scored 6 of them! He never offered that again! Unfortunately, even with her home run and a beauty of a throw to home at the bottom of the 7th which kept them alive to play an extra inning, and despite Tierney's great pitching, they lost 8-7. They were very disappointed but still had a great season.

Rielee kept busy trying to stay warm-it was a very cold and wet tournament.

Parker got to run the score board-at a state tournament, how fun is that, he did a good job, too!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Laundry baskets

I had hoped that the girls might sleep in this morning, but they were awake at 5:30. They had breakfast, played and then Rielee showed up at 7:30. She didn't go to school since they are leaving for Spokane early afternoon. So they had more breakfast with her, played until 9:30 and then were very ready for naps. Rielee was quiet and colored so they would fall asleep quickly. Rielee had been playing with the laundry baskets, making beds for the dolls, so the twins took over after she left.
We went for a long walk between rain storms and got so many laughs out of them today. It is always so comical watching them toddle around. Harper would go up the path to the greenhouse, knock on the door, then run back down the path, over and over. Ava was hunting rocks, she found a couple good ones but put them down and Harper to take one, oops... trouble there.
They just like to wander around, usually with their hands in their pockets, and rarely seem to want to go in the same direction. It's like you are "herding twins".


Rielee had early release today so she got to play with the twins all afternoon. She made some signs so we could take a picture and make a good-luck card for Macee for State. The picture taking was a bit of a challenge though and before we were done, Harper had chewed the corner off of her sign. She is known for her love of eating paper and cardboard, having chewed the corners off of most of the books we keep in the car for them.
They all played with Playdoh this afternoon for over an hour. Harper and Ava liked it when we made balls for them and worms, which they would kiss and hug! Too funny.

Harper was pretty good at rolling

Ava was making pretend food by putting all her balls in the cup

The twins ended up spending the night with us so their parents could have a quiet evening.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


For some reason we had a couple slightly fussy girls today, especially Ava. We will be so glad when they can talk more and tell us just what is bothering them. Harper did have a little diaper rash and was bothered by that (she can communicate that without a problem). Fortunately for me, since she is such a Papa's girl these days, he is the only one who can change her. She even asked to go in twice from outside and playing with bubbles to have him change her diaper. They had fun with the bubbles until they started fighting over the wand, thought I had two but didn't...so it was a short bubble session.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Harper pointing out the injury she got this weekend falling on the bleachers at Luke's game.STUCK! STUCK!
Harper climbed in the toy basket this morning and got her foot stuck so she asked me to help her out, I said "are you stuck?" - and grabbed her by the arms and swung her up and around, well, this turned into a game for both of them that went on and on until I had to quit with a sore back.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Em's home!

Emmy came home for a short visit today to attend Amelia's baby shower. There is never a dull moment with Auna and Parker around-we were trying to visit...which is just about impossible when these two decide they want to bug Emmy!

District Champions

Macee and Rielee posing at Parker's game, and that is Des behind them using Rielee's Spongebob umbrella!

Maddie, Kenzie, Tierney and Macee posing with the District Championship trophy after the Rockets beat Onalaska 5-2!

And in other news in the neighborhood, Auna got her ears pierced today!

She was one happy girl!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Doni came up to visit today and brought her 3 yr. old Grandniece Emily Bea, who was very excited to play with the twins. It was the perfect warm spring day for them to play outside and go barefoot in the sandbox. They all got along quite well.

Harper and Ava eating popsicles, yum... Ava was disappointed when hers melted and fell on the ground.

Then we got the teeter-totter out and that was a big hit. We found that Ava still weighs just a little more than Harper. They really like to go spinning around on it, but Auna and I got tired of that real quick.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alan's shop

We took the girls out for a walk early this morning and ended up visiting Alan in his shop. He was sitting at his computer scanning pictures and the girls were more than happy to join him. They settled right in with him and were excited to look at pictures of helicopters and airplanes, oh, and there is Uncle Alan in that picture, that got a reaction out of them. They had to be carried back outside to play.

Rielee and Auna during a game of "monkeys" at the playfort after school. The kids never get tired of being chased around the yard. They are too fast for me anymore, fortunately, Parker took over as "zookeeper" for me and did the chasing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rockets to state

It was a beautiful, sunny day for softball and with 2 wins the Rockets are going to State. They will play for the district championship Saturday at 3:oo. Macee had a double in the first game against Elma, which they won 14-3 in 5 innings. Tierney pitched the last inning of that game and pitched the entire second game against Hoquiam which they won 3-2 and she hit a home run, too!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Magnetic dress-up doll

This morning, we got out Rielee's magnetic dress-up dolls (fortunately she has 2 of them). Rielee showed the girls how to make new outfits and they played with them throughout the day.

Macee getting a hit in today's win over R.A. Long, Papa couldn't remember if this was a double or a triple.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sand box

It was a big day today, the girls finally got to try out the sandbox, and it was a huge hit. They are expert diggers and played for about an hour. When it was time to go in and I went to grab Harper, I noticed she had a mouth full of sand. It wasn't bothering her either.

They worked together and filled up the bucket.

Papa got a kick out of them this morning. He wondered if they would remember seeing him Saturday at the race, so he asked them about it, and wow, did they remember! They started yelling, laughing and waving their arms. Then he showed them his Ash Kicker picture and they really got excited!
So funny!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Parker's truck

When Parker's Mom nixed his idea of saving his money for a travel trailer, he went looking for another priceless classic vehicle to buy. He decided he wanted to save his money to buy Papa's pick-up when he turned 16, but Papa said he wouldn't sell it to him-he would GIVE it to him. So Parker is the proud future owner of a 1989 Jeep Comanche truck with a canopy, too. He comes over to sit in it almost every day, sometimes more than once, and dreams of the places will drive to someday. He and Papa took it for a spin tonight, and plan to clean out Papa's shop this summer so the truck can be stored in the shop when it isn't being driven, and hopefully still be in good shape 5 years from now...

Ash Kicker

Papa entered the Ash Kicker 5K Adventure Run today and had a great time. He finished in 52 minutes, which he was happy with since he had to wait to go down the water slide and was also slowed down by helping a couple of girls he was running with over some obstacles. Auna, Laury and David came to watch, and David ended up helping out at the slide since the plastic kept separating and people were getting hung up on it. I was really worried about the slide, since everyone was going down it so fast and almost getting hurt.

Papa actually turned all the way around and was going down backward, then ended up walking down the rest of it since the plastic came apart and they had to straighten it out and get the water flowing again. Later the slide was closed for awhile for repair. The girl that went down in front of him had banged up her leg pretty badly.

Papa was surprised when he got to the finish line and there were Charb, Kelly, Luke and the girls waiting for him. Ava went to a sweaty, wet and muddy Papa, but Harper didn't want anything to do with him.

Luke tried out the obstacle course bounce house for the kids several times, trying to go faster each time.

Gabe also did the race with a team from J.H.Kelly, finishing in 30 minutes. He said it was a lot harder than he thought it would be.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Obstacle course

Ava getting a hug from Rielee this morning.
We took the girls with us to check out the Ashkicker 5k & Obstacle Course that Papa is entering tomorrow. Ava was perfectly happy just seeing how many rocks she could carry when Papa put her on this cargo net obstacle, and she let him know she was not liking it one bit.
Harper really surprised Auna this afternoon-Auna was showing the girls her new shoes, and Harper looked at them and said "oh my gosh!" just clear as a bell.

Thursday, Ava sings

Today the entertainment for the girls was the 3 little steps beside Alan's shop- they went up and down probably 50 times in all, totally fixated...

Ava really loves to sing, even though she can't say a lot of the words, she is trying so hard. I was happy today because she actually let me video her singing with me, usually she runs when she sees the camera.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Little helpers

The twins one and only trip outside this morning was to help Papa get firewood. They were so happy to be helping, that is, until they saw a couple of basketballs and threw down their wood to play with them. Keeping them both heading in the same direction is really a challenge...

Harper loves Baby.

Bird sighting! There is a big robin that sits several times a day, on top of the weeping pine tree, the girls are always happy when they see it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Twins & 3 games

What a busy day. We went to town in the morning to have the woodstove door fixed, then stopped by Fred Meyer for a few flowers. We lucked out and found a car cart and the girls were thrilled and whooping it up as they "drove" through the store. Got home, let them play outside for a bit, had lunch and they napped from noon to 2:15. It is so nice that they are feeling better and the days are back to normal, with them playing together more and eating well. They were outside playing when Parker and Auna came home from school. Auna showed them her clarinet, but was afraid of scaring them if she actually played anything on it!

After we dropped the girls off to Charb, we hurried back to Woodland to watch the Macee and the Rockets unfortunately lose their game 4-3.

Then we went back to CR where Auna and Parker were both playing, yes, two games at once. Auna pitched an inning and did really well. She also played at short stop and 3rd base.

Parker's team won their first game and Parker had a great hit to the outfield!

Here he is playing right field looking bored with a mouth full of sunflower seeds.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Auna's party

Ava climbed into the chair and pretended to read the paper for the longest time this morning, and she looked so serious about it, not good news I guess!
Auna had a belated 11th birthday party tonight, with several of her friends and lots of family. Jillian (and Rielee- who is behind Brooklyn in the picture) helped her blow out the candles. Her cake was cute and she was really happy with all the gift cards in it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I was a well fed Mom/Grandma this Mother's Day. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with Charb, Kelly and the kids at their house. Ava and Harper looked so cute in little dresses, but when I took a picture of them I discovered my memory card was still in the computer...so no pix of anybody there, very disappointed about that. Rielee and Des had just got back from their Disneyland trip when they and Gabe, Macee and Parker brought pizza over for dinner. Rielee was in her new princess dress complete with a long curly blonde ponytail, and they had lots of stories to share about their trip.
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful, loving family.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

sandbox and prom

The girls slept so well last night, from 8:30 until almost 8 this morning. Harper woke up at 5 and came in our bed but went right back to sleep. Charb came to get them about noon and his friends Jeff and Megan stopped by to see the girls before they went back home. Harper showing Megan her coloring
Parker and Gabe got the sandbox redone today. Rielee is going to be so happy to see all that fresh new sand! It will be interesting to see Ava and Harper playing in it.
Macee was going to the Senior Prom tonight with Kyle. She was missing her Mom being there to help her get ready. I was outside working and heard her out on the front porch yelling for her Dad over and over, then she saw me and called me over-she needed help zipping up her dress. She was frustrated because the Dad and Parker had "disappeared" without telling her where they were going. When I left I could hear the excavator running and found them behind the house, doing some leveling of the yard. When I went back later to take a picture of her, I walked in and Gabe was putting bronzer on her back, wish I would have gotten a picture of that, he was very glad to hand it over to me to finish the job, as was Macee. She looked very pretty.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Since the girls were spending the night, we thought we would take them to the mall during the day to let them run around and ride on the rides since it didn't look like it was going to be a good day for playing outside.
They were having a great time sitting on the rides, Harper on the one with the dog, Ava was on the firetruck. But once we put the money in and the rides started moving and making noise, the girls couldn't bail out fast enough! And of course the fire truck blew its siren the whole time. It took quite awhile before they would get back on. But Harper couldn't resist the dog, and kept hugging it over and over.

With a lot of coaxing from Papa, Ava finally sat on the helicopter and really liked it.

We wanted to walk around a little, which was a little difficult since they just kept wandering this way and that. Papa had suggested taking the umbrella strollers but I didn't think we would need them-wrong. The didn't want to walk very far and then wanted to be packed. We made it to Penneys and I was going to try to buy them something, but that seemed way too hard so I gave up on that idea. On the way back to the car, we bought some M&M's out of the vending machine and they would follow us along quite well trying to get more candy...such bad grandparents!

Auna came to stay with us after school and was a huge help. She played with the girls and I made cookies. We had mac and cheese, broccoli and muffins for dinner, followed by a bath since Harper had so much cheese in her hair. It was good evening entertainment for them though.