Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Twins are funny

Twins are really so entertaining, and this is such a fun age to watch them grow and develop. Our little DynamicDuo, have developed such funny little likes and dislikes. Harper likes things just so. She chose the blue highchair as hers, prefers the orange-topped sippy cup, and always wants to wear the same bibs. Ava also is particular about the bibs. They play a lot of pretend nowadays, always putting their stuffed animals and babies in the highchairs and pretending to feed them. Or they will go in the playroom and play at the dollhouse with the little dolls and Barbies. Harper is also very independent outside, she has mastered going up and down stairs, even the high ones at Alan's shop, she would not let Papa help her go down them today, but she was right, she could do it by herself. She insists every day on sitting on the big girl swing, doesn't want to be helped, she can do it herself, and get off it by herself. Ava loves to run and is fast at her little side-skip move she does. They both continue to love to hunt for rocks, the bigger the better. Rielee and Parker stayed with us for a couple of hours tonight. Parker spent his time pressure-washing the basketball court and then shooting hoops. He has been practicing lots lately and is getting better every day. Rielee and Auna dug up 4 worms for Rielee's collection, and then we played with Play-Doh.

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