Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Separation anxiety

Seems like adjusting again after spring break is going to take a little while for Ava and Harper. They are very nervous if either Papa or I leave the house. Today Papa went to town for an hour, they cried when he left and when he got back it was like a love fest, they kept hugging and hugging him, even hanging on to his legs when he put them down. Then when we took them back to Charb, Harper cried and wouldn't let go of me. Thankfully, we got them outside a couple of times again today, still windy enough to require hats on though.
Auna and Ava

They were so happy to see Auna and Parker after school. Auna came in and read several books to them before it was time for them to go home.

We went to the Rocket's doubleheader in Ridgefield after meeting Charb there, they split, losing the first game 2-1 in 9 innings, winning the second 4-0.

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