Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cows & walkie-talkies

We took the girls out for a walk this morning and ended up over at Gabe and Des'. Papa noticed the cows were near the fence but we had to put the girls up on the excavator so they could see them, there was too much mud to walk over any closer. Later in the day, Uncle Alan came over and he had his walkie-talkies with him. The girls really got a kick out of playing with them. He left and went to his shop, and then the girls went over there with Papa to borrow a tool. Uncle Alan ended up letting them borrow the walkie-talkies, Ava got to carry them home and she was so

serious about it, she just came running over with them, holding on tight! Auna played with them, trying to show them how to push the button down and talk.

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