Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ava-still teething

Ava was still bothered by her teeth this morning. Didn't want to eat anything except the marshmallows out of a little Lucky Charms cereal we gave them while I cooked breakfast. She only wanted brocolli for lunch.
By the time we went outside to play, she was feeling a little better. We only had one of the cars outside and Harper claimed it, so Papa went and got the trike. Ava played on that for a little while, but still wanted a car so we finally had to bring the other broken one out for her, but then Harper wanted that one...so Ava got the other one. She didn't care though.
It was cute today, when Auna came over, she asked Harper how her day had been and Harper answered "good"!
I picked Rielee up from the bus stop today. She rides to school on the bus 2 mornings a week, and home 3 days. The bus stop is at the church on Studebaker road. There are 20 some kids from Castle Rock that go to Toutle. After that, we went to watch the Rockets softball team beat Stevenson in a lopsided doubleheader, they won both games in 3 innings, 15-0 and 19-0.

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