Monday, April 11, 2011

Back in the swing of things

We missed having Ava and Harper so much over spring break and couldn't wait to see again this morning, but when we brought them in the house-they didn't want anything to do with us! It was awful. Wouldn't sit on our laps, wouldn't come to us, wouldn't even make eye contact with us. They were thrilled, however, to see Big Dog, Baby, and the rest of the toys. It was a good half an hour before they started to warm up to us. Then they wanted to play in the playpen, and started laughing when I played peek-a-boo with them. Whew! When Rielee showed up before school, they were very excited to see her. We had two chances today to take them outside, Ava wanted Papa to swing with them.
Rielee had her first t-ball game tonight. She did a good job. She is learning to bat left-handed, just like her sister. I think she had the most fun playing in a mud puddle that was close to where she was fielding.

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