Friday, April 22, 2011

Rielee reading and sunshine

Rielee sat down with the twins this morning and read them 3 books before she had to leave for school. She got a piggy bank today as a prize from the principal for having 80 points in her Reading class. I have been very impressed with her kindergarten teacher Mrs. Stankey and Mr. Merzoian, who teaches her 1st grade reading.
The twins were bothered by their teeth again today, Ava really didn't feel well. Harper ate some breakfast, but Ava just wanted to be held and only ate a few bites from Papa . Both took a 2 1/2 hour nap and didn't want much for lunch. They played outside for a long time in the afternoon. The sunshine felt so good, even though the wind was still kind of cool.
We heard a some new words from Harper today, her favorite "NO, mine" and she also said "backpack" clear as a bell. I have decided that Ava might be a vegetarian as she will not eat any meat, if she finds even the tiniest speck in her mouth, she'll pick it out and hand it to us. Maybe when those molars are in she will change her mind. Ava also gets very nervous if Sesame Street is on TV. She likes Elmo, but those other monsters are too scary for her.

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