Saturday, April 2, 2011


We took the girls out for a ride in their cars today, but they didn't want to stay in them for long. I suggested we take a walk but then they got distracted by the stepping stones. We count them as they walk on them, and they went up and down that trail about 20 times. We got a package today and Papa gave the girls some of the peanuts to look at. I showed them how to lick them and stuck one on my forehead first, which got me some weird looks. Then I put some on their foreheads and they thought it was really funny, but they didn't want to do it themselves.
In the afternoon, we took them back to Kelly at the high school and Harper made a bee-line for an old keyboard she spotted under a table. Pretty soon she was packing it around like she had a real treasure.

Next week is Evergreen School District's spring break, we are missing them already.

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