Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

We had such a special Valentines Day. We got cards and candy from all the kids. The twins are so darned cute on Mondays anyway, and this morning they were cracking me up. After not being here for a couple of days, they just go from one thing to the next as fast as they can, it is so comical. They were coloring this morning before they had breakfast...and I convinced them to give each other a little kiss. After their bath, I went to dress them and they had t-shirts to wear that said "I love Grandma" and "I love Grandpa" on them, so cute. Tried to get a picture of them both where the shirts showed but they weren't cooperating.
They hardly play with their blocks anymore, just the wagon. Harper climbed in it first today and Ava tried to pull her around. But then Ava wanted to get in for a ride and Harper got upset, so Papa put them both in it and gave them a ride together.

Uncle Alan came over to play this afternoon and they colored again with him for a long time. They spent a lot of time getting on and off the chairs, retrieving crayons and running around the table, not sure what that was all about.
After school, I gave Rielee this stuffed animal for Valentines Day, a unicorn, that she saw at the flower shop a couple of weeks ago (and said she really loved and wanted so badly), and to my surprise she had no memory of it, none. Just said, "oh, a unicorn..." too funny, after she begged for the silly thing.

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