Monday, February 7, 2011

Harpers "tough guy" look

We took 3 walks today so the girls got lots of time outside. On our first walk, they started out at the playfort, then Harper found the basketball and threw it so it rolled down the driveway to the house. Then they saw the steps and had great fun going up and down. It is so much fun to watch them toddling around, but it is a challenge for me to try to keep up with them and keep them from falling or trying to go through the brush (Ava the Adventurer, I call her)or fall off a bank! And today they protested going back in the house with little screaming fits, every time.
Okay, so this is Harper's "tough guy" look. Something she started doing this weekend while playing with Dad. She was having too much fun with Auna today to look too terribly tough though.
After school, I took Parker and Auna to town so Parker could spend some of his birthday money. He bought a couple of games for his DS and a new belt. Then later we went to the girl's basketball game, which they won and now will play their first district game Friday night. Macee and Tierney both played really well.

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