Friday, February 25, 2011

More snow

All this snow is so pretty but it meant no twins again today, but I am glad they weren't on the icy roads. Parker wanted to go shopping again today, hoping he might find something to use his birthday coupon on.
As we were leaving Fred Meyer he saw a kid making a dog tag at the engraving machine, and decided he wanted to make one.
I wasn't sure what kind of product he was going to end up with, but actually it was pretty cool, and he was happy with it.

We then went to several stores at the mall, and he didn't find anything else he wanted until we were at back over at Prospector's, the "cheap" store as we call it. He bought a metal sign that had Uncle Sam on it, he was so excited with his purchase since he is getting a new bed this weekend and is re-doing his room. One coupon down, and he used another one for a Panda Bowl on the way home. A successful shopping trip.

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