Thursday, February 24, 2011


No school anywhere today. I got a 7:00 a.m. phone call from Parker requesting biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Auna showed up right after that, looking for someone to hang out with since her Mom and Will were sleeping in. So after they were fed, she and Parker headed out to play in the snow. Rielee watched some cartoons and then decided she was ready to go out, too. She asked me to take a "nice" picture of her and Auna on the swing so she could frame it.
After an hour or so of sledding and general snow fun, they all came in to warm up, dry their clothes and have some hot chocolate. We invited Jillian up to play, in this picture Rielee and Parker were wrestling and Rielee asked Jillian to help her, so Jillian was running the school bus up and down Parker's back.

Before Jillian left, she and Rielee had a ball playing out on the teeter-totter. After that round of outside play, Auna, Parker and Auna's friend Kayla came in for some lunch and a TV break. The big kids went out again to play but I kept Rielee in since she was coughing again.

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