Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alan's birthday picture

I made the girls "Happy Birthday Uncle Alan" signs and had them color and put stickers on them. We got them bathed and dressed and put bows in their hair, then sat them down to hold their signs and take a picture. First lesson, don't tell them they look pretty, because up goes the hand to the hair to take out the bow. Ok, bow back in, Ava smiling prettily, and Harper decides to wad her sign up in a ball...
Finally, bribed with pretzels, they sat in the recliner long enough to snap a picture, no smiles but hey, it is the thought that counts. I knew Uncle Alan would understand competely!

*After the picture, they stayed looking cute for about a half an hour. We put them in the high chairs and gave them some banana, which neither ate and Harper decided to rub in her hair. Makes pretty good mousse, her hair was sticking straight up.

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