Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wrestling, snow & volleyball

Saturday was Parker's wrestling tournament and it was a long one-started at 11 and ended at 7:30 p.m. He ended up with a 4th place medal, with some disappointment from losing his last match, but he did well, with lots of improvement over the season. Wow, we got 2 more inches of snow this morning, and still had about 5 inches left from before, so I called Rielee to see if she wanted to build a snow man. We ended up building 2.

Then we started on a snow fort, which turned into a snow house. Fortunately, Gabe came out to help finish it because my feet got cold and I had to go inside.
It ended up with a partial roof since the snow stopped and the rains started.

It was fun building though, and Rielee got a kick out of it!
In the afternoon, we went to watch Macee & Tierney play volleyball. They were playing in an 18's tournament in Longview (they are on the Cowlitz 16's Black team), we watched them play 2 matches in bracket play, the second one they lost to the Cowlitz 18's Black team, a tough loss since they beat them the last time they played.

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