Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy travelers

We didn't have the girls yesterday since they had their 18 month check-up in the morning. We planned on taking them back early so we could get to Ilwaco in time for Macee's game, so Kelly decided to take the day off. Probably just as well since they got 3 shots. Harper weighed 22.6 lbs. and Ava 22.8. Harper measured an inch taller than Ava, but Kelly said Ava was freaking out when they were measuring her so her measurement was probably inaccurate. Both girls were healthy and the dr. was impressed with their progress. It started to rain when we were outside today, so Papa took the girls under a tree to stay dry.
We have much happier little travelers these days since they get to face forward. Papa said he gets this type of smile whenever he looks back at them to see how they are doing.
The girls lost their game and now must beat Montesano on Monday in CR to stay in the playoffs.
The boys also lost and are in the same situation but have to beat Forks in FORKS on Tues., yikes, we won't be going to that game.

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