Sunday, October 3, 2010


Rielee and Parker came over tonight while their parents went to work at the Amphitheater.Parker watching the Bears vs. NY Giants game, he was pretty frustrated with the way his Giants were playing. Parker had a football game against Athlete's Corner in Cathlamet yesterday, he was excited because they won and he got to carry the ball a couple of times. He is very much into football this year.

Rielee working on pictures to take to her teacher and teacher asst. tomorrow, a process that took over 2 hours since she just couldn't get the background the way she wanted. Also, she used colored pencils so there was a lot of sharpening going on, too. The picture consisted of coffee filter butterflies (still loves to make them) on a background with the sun with apple trees and flowers. She enjoys drawing but gets easily frustrated if things don't look the way she wants.
Macee came over for dinner, then hung out watching football for awhile. I went to their house at bedtime and stayed until Gabe and Des got home.

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