Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It was a beautiful afternoon, we took the girls out to the slides and then they walked to Laury's house to see Max. They were so excited to walk, and they squealed and laughed the whole way. Fortunately, Papa followed us over there with the cars because I don't think they would have made it walking back. On the way in the house, they noticed the skeleton in the tree.
I was cleaning the sink while they were having a snack of apple and cheese. It was hard not to laugh when I looked over and noticed they both had food in their hair.

Ava had stacked a neat little pile of apple pieces on top of her head.

Harper was feeling a little tired this afternoon, I guess, because she got a pillow off the couch and a blanket and laid down on the floor.

Auna came over to help me take the girls to the volleyball match since Papa left early to watch the JV. It was cute when Harper snuggled up to her when they were playing before we left. They were pretty good at the match, we had them corralled in with Auna and Rielee and Grandpa & Ann helping to keep them happy. It helped that the Rockets won in 3 so we were home early. They got a second wind when we got home, and cracked us up when I made them some toast with cream cheese--they would take a bite and then toddle off and walk a little lap around the kitchen, then come back and get another bite, over and over until it was gone, like little wind-up dolls! After a little milk, though, they crashed and were asleep by 9. The girls are spending the night since Kelly's Mom had surgery today, thankfully, she came through it okay.

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