Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tired Tuesday

During their first trip outside today, all Ava wanted to do was walk around, and she's pretty good at staying upright in the uneven grass. They always want to get in the swings, but then want out in like 1 minute to explore something else.
Harper spent her time on the slide, her she is looking at a cone that Ava picked up and gave to her.

The girls were kind of pills this morning, they woke up too early, right when they got here, and were still tired and really needy. Then they had a head-bonking incident that really upset both of them, they wouldn't even look at each other without screaming. So after they ate and we played for awhile, they went back to bed from 8:30-10:30, and were much happier after their nap.
It was interesting today when Papa left to pick up Rielee, I had to go to the bathroom, and they were just into everything in the bedroom and bathroom, pulling clothes off the bed, getting in to my books on the nightstand, bringing me shoes, pulling the towels off the racks, they knew I couldn't stop them, I guess, so they were really having a good time. They are so busy and so precocious already, it kind of reminds me of their Dad at that age...
Later in the day Papa took them out for a wagon ride, except Harper wanted to ride with him on the lawnmower. When he tried to give Ava a turn on his lap and put Harper in the wagon, she threw a screaming fit so he ended up riding with both on his lap. But he doesn't like to do that because Ava tries to hog the steering wheel and he has a hard time fighting her for it!

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