Friday, October 8, 2010

Ladybug lesson

Some excitement on their car ride today, a tiny lady bug was crawling around on Ava's hood. Papa kept turning it around so the girls could get a good look at it, but he had to keep Harper from picking it up and trying to eat it.
It was cute today when they sat down on Papa's lap to read a book, Harper threw her arm around Ava. They pay so much attention to each other now, babbling to each other and pointing when they saw Laury's cat outside the door today, sharing food and laughing with each other during their high chair time. They make us laugh so much. Papa was trying to get them to give him a hug this morning when he was down on the floor playing with them, so he covered his face with his hands and pretended to cry a little, thinking they would come running with a hug, but their response was to cover their faces and cough, they thought he was coughing. So funny.

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