Friday, October 22, 2010

A swing,a snake and road rash

Ava and Harper were so good this morning, sleeping in until it was time to take Parker and Macee to school, so I could just put them right in the van. They rode with me while Papa took Rielee to school. It was another nice day so we were able to take them outside to play a couple of times. Yesterday they played on the big swing with Rielee, and today when we were walking by it, Harper started pointing and letting us know she wanted to swing again. Ava wanted on but still isn't quite sure that she likes it yet. Then Harper noticed the cows were out so we had to visit them again, too.
On the way back across the field I noticed a snake in the grass to show the girls. Harper would have picked it up if we had let her.
Later in the day when we took them out for a lawnmower ride, Ava decided she didn't want to ride, she wanted to walk, and then she fell down on the pavement, so she went home with a road rash that looked just awful. Her poor little nose and forehead were red and skinned up.

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