Thursday, October 14, 2010

A fun Friday

Rielee got to play with Ava and Harper for a little while this morning before Papa took her to school. She looked at books with them, and we did some singing, too, and the twins danced around.
Laury came over for coffee early, then Alan stopped by to visit. He always lets the girls play

with his hat, and they put it on and take it off, then put it on him, or me. Great fun for them.

Papa was giving the girls a ride in the wagon today and noticed that the cows were by the fence again. They were so excited and mooing and screaming and waving their arms. (I put a video of them on YouTube.)
After school, James and Alan came over, then Rielee and Parker showed up, too. Ava was acting so silly, showing off for James, she was laying on the floor and squealing and fake-coughing, cracking us all up. Then Rielee wanted to color, and of course, so did the twins, so we sat on the floor and let them try, they did scribble a little but it was a short session since it wasn't long before the crayons were scattered everywhere and they were putting them in their mouths.

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