Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parker's night

Rielee playing a Play-doh game where she has to pop the balls up and into the basket on the floor (that one didn't make it).
Saturday started with Rielee's early morning soccer game, she scored 2 goals. In the afternoon Parker had a football game in Toutle, his team won and he got to be the kick-off guy.
It was Parker's turn to spend the night with us, but Rielee came over, too, while Des and Gabe went out to dinner (Macee was busy having a volleyball sleep-over). They wanted to go to Target and promised they would get along if I took them. Rielee found some Justin Bieber stretchy bracelets and a color book but Parker decided he wanted to go to Ross and look there. He found a hat and some motorcycles he wanted, and since Ross is stocked full of toys for Christmas, Rielee was excited with nearly everything she saw. She kept asking how much everything was, so I gave her a refresher course on reading price tags, then it was "is $9.99 a lot, is $14.99 too much?" etc. After she realized she wasn't getting anything else, I suggested she should make a Christmas list and she filled up 2 + pages of my notebook before we left. They did get along really well, too.
Parker and I stayed up until 11, he watched a little Smoking Gun World's Dumbest Drivers with Papa, tried to get me to wrestle before we went to sleep, but I resisted this time since the last couple of times I have been too sore the next day.

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