Monday, October 11, 2010

James football

Every day now I spend some time with Ava and Harper on Starfall. They love it, and now if they see me sitting at the computer they are begging to get up on my lap. We had a fun day with them, with visits from Aunt Laury and Uncle David. Auna came over after school and helped Uncle with the twins because Parker and I were leaving to go to James' football game.
James is smiling as he comes off the field because they won! Parker enjoyed watching James play but we had to make a run to the minit-mart at half-time for seeds because he was hungry since he didn't get an after-school snack. After the game we went shopping for a little bit then stopped at Panda for take-out bowls for he and Papa. After that I supervised while he did his homework and then Gabe picked him up.

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