Monday, January 4, 2010

Their baccck!

After 2 weeks without them, we were so happy to have the twins back with us today. They are a little bigger, more expressive and even laughed out loud. First Ava laughed at Uncle David's "barking" sound, and later when I undressed her for her bath, she laughed when I took her onesie off, like it tickled her. Harper got right back into her "workouts" with Papa, where she does pull-ups, and she is stronger than ever. I am betting that she will be the first to get moving, just because she is so strong. However, when I put her on her tummy today, it was only a couple of minutes before she was howling mad because nothing was happening and that darned old head of hers just wouldn't stay up like she wanted. Ava is a little more mellow and happy to lie around, if she isn't wanting to be held, although she has started on Papa's workout program, too.
Rielee was her normal busy self after school today. She wanted so much to play pretend Mommy and kept trying to feed Harper with her doll spoon and give her the doll bottle,and Harper got frustrated because she wasn't getting anything, but things were touching her I had to get Rielee busy with a craft which turned out to be a bigger project than I intended, of course. She made a Dora mailbox out of a kit, then had to paint it, put stickers on it, write letters to put in it, then write a letter to Kyle, too, put stickers on that, draw a picture of him, etc.
I hope Jillian is available for a playdate tomorrow.

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