Monday, January 11, 2010

I have you all to myself

Rielee was a happy girl when we picked her up from school today. The first words out of her mouth were "No babies today, I have you all to myself!"
Papa played with her for awhile, they were singing and making "music" by pounding on a tin cup with a screw driver and shaking coins in a cup, then Papa had Zak the Rat dancing to the beat. She wanted her nails done next since here polish was pretty chipped, so she ate lunch while I did that.
Then she and I played McDonald's drive-thru, where I order food through the back of the kitchen playset and she fixes it. Then she did some flying on my feet and some "flip-a-roonies" where I am lying on my back and flip her over my head and she lands on her feet. All the kids have loved doing that and I told Rielee that it wouldn't be long before the twins would be trying it, too. We were talking about baby-proofing the house once they start crawling, so she decided to pretend she was Ava and crawl around and get into everything, so I would know what I was up against, I guess.
(I can't imagine what that will be like, with two of them motoring around getting into stuff!)
Then she wanted to pretend we were lions and cheetahs and have a cat fight. After I got tired of that, she ended up in the bathroom, playing in the sink, which Papa cannot tolerate since she has almost flooded the bathroom many times, so then it was naptime.
Fortunately, it is always easy for her to sleep on Mondays since Papa lays down with her. Thank goodness.

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