Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little droolers

I think the babies might be teething, there seems to be a lot of drooling and bubble-blowing going on.
I liked this picture of them sitting in the chair because you can actually see their little eyelashes, and it looks like they have some hair on their heads but it is an illusion from the overhead lighting... One obvious difference in them is that Harper, on the right, still has some semblence of a neck, whereas Ava's is long gone. The big news though, is that Ava rolled over last night at home. Kelly said she had this look on her face like "what was that, what happened?" She did while she was mad, of course, when she goes into her super-human arching-with-her-head-back-to-the-left act. But it still counts. We keep trying to get them to roll and then ask ourselves "WHY?"-right now they just stay in one place, once they start rolling, it will seem like a blink of an eye and they will be crawling, climbing, and running out the door (hopefully to go over and bug Uncle Alan!).
Harper worked out with Papa today, she gets such a kick out of it, as does Papa. He says "1-2-3-PULL" and she pulls her little head up and together they pull her to standing. She has done it enough times that, on "3", she is lifting her head. He must have worn her out because she took a very long nap afterwards.

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