Thursday, January 28, 2010

Harper rolls over

Today was a big day for Harper. I was down on the floor with them, just starting to video some tummy-time action, and she rolled over on to her back for the first time. I was so surprised but got it on a shaky video. The days of them staying put are definitely getting shorter.
That is also Harper in the exersaucer, they are both liking that now, too. They were pretty easy on Grandma today, completely in sync with naps and bottles. I just had to have one in the swing or bouncer and hold the other one, and the naps were peaceful. If I tried to lay them down, they would wake up in a couple of minutes. I guess they were pretty fussy last night so they were tired today, and that system worked the best. They are sleeping in their cribs now, still in the swaddle blankets. Charb said they went down at 10:30 last night and got up when I got there at 6:30 this morning, Kelly said she was up once rocking Harper. All in all, they were pretty happy
girls all day.

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