Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rielee is a such a creature of habit. Whatever quirky little things Papa has told her she will hang onto regardless of how I try to convince her its a bad idea. He told her long ago that he always crumbles 5 crackers in his soup (he calls it "filler"-from the old days growing up when he needed to fill up the bowl) and eats 2 more with butter on them. So, every time we have soup for lunch, she wants 7 crackers, just like Papa, and of course she can't eat them all. Today I gave her 3 crackers, and she piped up with the "but Grandma, Papa has 5+2". Even though Papa has cut back on the crackers since we are eating healthier now, he needs to work on her. She is such a healthy eater when Papa isn't influencing her, she reminds me of a lot of Macee, they both love fruits and vegetables. She doesn't have much of a sweet tooth either, but she will lick all the frosting off a maple bar.

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